Raihau & Lisa – Pt 2

The story of Gomer

The Unquenchable Love

The Saga Continues

The Saga Continues

To Be Continued.. .. .. 16/01/2023

Imagine you are Godly man from a Godless country. Your country has strayed from the truth of Gods ways and the focus of most people is on pleasure, entertainment and money and themselves. Imagine this country has highly advance technologies and you could get whatever you want wherever you want and whenever you want. Self gratification was rampant throughout the nation.

Imagine that no matter where you went, there was nobody following or honouring God in spirit or in truth no matter what you said or done. Everything you say or do is completely ignored, or taken the wrong way, and people always went after their own hearts desires. Imagine there were so many in need and yet the heart of many had grown cold and no longer cared any more about the suffering and pains of others.

You hear of another country which is much less self centered and self absorbed, however they have completely different customs and traditions and rituals than that of your own country. Imagine they are very violent and warlike with one another. Imagine there is corruption, lies and bribery everywhere within their society. Imagine they are not as well developed as your own, and their society commits so many different debauchery than that of your own country. Imagine that you were moved and directed to pick a wife from there. A wife from a foreign country from a tribe of people of whoredom. A wife from a land of sorcery, debauchery and abductions were common place. Imagine you found a woman you thought was so very beautiful and fair and caring and compassionate. Imagine you brought her back to your country and she became your wife and that you had some children with her. Imagine you were with her for 7 years, then she left you to go back to her former life and rejected your love and devotion to her.

Imaging is these following songs was sung by someone who loves you so very much and is singing these songs about you

Just imagine that you loved her so much that you would be willing to go anywhere and do anything for her. Imagine this woman became a whore again and started seeking other lovers and went back to her own country and rejected you.

Just think that there is nothing you wouldnt do for her, nowhere you would not go for her, nothing you would not give to be with her. Imagine you travelled thousands of Km and spent tens of thousands of dollars for her and she rejected you. Imagine searching for this woman and finding her again where she was before. What do you now say and do ? Hosea Ch.1 to Ch 6

Raihau & Lisa Continue

Raihau and Lisa were once in a very close intimate relationship. Their devotion for one another was great. There was nothing that Raihau would not do for Lisa, Raihau loved and cared and would do absolutely anything and everything for Lisa. He would never force her to do anything she did not want to do. He had only the best plans to prosper her and give her the things she enjoys most in life. Whether it be a 20 cent packet of 2 minute noodles, all the way up to a brand new car and a fully furnished home to live in. Nothing was too much for Raihau that he would not give or do for Lisa.

Whether Lisa was with him by his side or away visiting her family at her country home, Raihau would always pray for her and be her support in good times and in bad times, always there to support her. Nothing was ever too much for Raihau when it came to Lisa. Raihau would spend his entire life savings for her and even give his life for her.

Raihau would always be there supporting Lisa and Lisa would always support Raihau. He as her greatest supporter. Always saw the potential in Lisa, always saw a way for Lisa to achieve her life goals and dreams. However Lisa always only saw failure and despair. She never respected herself and always saw herself as an outsider and a failure. She always thought people were always out to harm her and wanted her to fail so that they could watch how miserable she really is. However this was in her own mind. Nobody was ever thinking this, people always loved and cared and supported Lisa as a part of the family and community.

To be continued . . > . . > . . >

Autism rate per capita in 1978 was 1 child in 15,000 children.

Autism rate per capita today is about 1 in 44 children
