• Breaking Down Of Strongholds

    Psalms 149:1-9 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the…

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  • Love

    Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget…

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  • I want it so much

    I want you so much I Need you so bad Genesis 25:29-34  Esau sold his birthright for a pot of food, In Genesis 27:36, 38  you can see Esau’s longing…

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  • The Fathers Love Letter

    My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you.   Psalm 139:1  I know when you sit down and when you rise up.   Psalm 139:2 I am familiar…

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  • The Art Of Reconciliations

    2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I…

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I Am So Scared – Lucky I Have God

The Who to implement a permanent pandemic marketplace – SAY WHAT ? Yes you hear right.

With the Grace of God, look beyond your limitations, and may you be by the Grace of God the best version of you that you can be.

You are wonderful and beautiful and special and unique, you were created to be a blessing, and to be blessed, and to be rich in good works. You were on Gods mind at creation and on the Cross of Calvary. He wants to bless you abundantly so that you would receive the desires of your heart, and to be so blessed that your cup would over flow with blessings that there would not be enough room for you to contain them all. This is Gods will and desire for you and your life, for he loves you with an amazing love, similar how a man is in love with his wife and infatuated with her to bless her with everything he could possibly bless her with, so too does God love you and even more. The enemy wants to bring bad things into your life, but that is not the desire of God. God thinks you are wonderful and incredibly designed and put together, you are am amazing creation, sewn together in your mothers womb, the world is infront of you – full of potential. Every day is a day full of new opportunities. God wants to bless you abundantly, for this is his plan for you, for you are greatly loved by God.

Look beyond your limitations, do not look at your limitations and restrictions, for God has many great plans to prosper you, trust in him and he will give you the desires of your heart, for it is God who gave you them desires.

10 palestinians gang bash 1 Iranian man

10 palestinians gang bash 1 Iranian man with an Iranian flag who was standing up for Iran because the palestinians thought he was a Jew, no other reason. The mob of palestinians all started punching into him and kicking him and got him in a headlock to break his head off from his body and gouge his eyes out.

Although the Iranian man has his Iranian flag, and talking in both English and Persian language and singing the Iranian National Anthem, the mob of palestinians regularly punch him and threaten him because they think he is a Jew.

These palestinians regularly block roads, vandalise public property, block ports of entrances, disrupt school areas, carry weapons, and some are on the AFP watch list.

They still continue to chant and promote genocide on a weekly and daily basis while police literally do nothing to stop them.

Many within the community are scared and frightened and live in constant fear of what these palestinians would do due to their continual chants and demands and calls for genocide of them within their own local communities and broader wider communities.

Who is standing up against these mobs of thousands ? Nobody.

Who are joining these terrorist groups ? university students, egyptians and others.

Are they physically violent ? Yes,

What are the police doing to stop them ? Nothing.

Who is at risk of their violence ? Pretty much anyone who 1) Jews, 2) Jew / Israel supporters, 3) Anyone with a camera or filming locally within the area ( although not filming them ) or anyone filming in their direction, 4) Anyone they think that they are a Jew, 5) Anyone who is potentially within the area that they want to be in ( even if it is 5 to 10 meters away from them ), 6) Public / Private property, 7) football teams / supporters who gathered for a photoshoot.

Do they carry weapons ? Yes, some have been found to be carrying large switchblade weapons on them, as reported on the news and seen in public.

Where are these groups located & congregate ? In capital cities and outer suburbs many km away from the cities.

Do they gather in large numbers ? Yes, from as small as 6 to 8 to as large as a few thousand people.

I would mind my own business, stay next to my car, I am old and disabled, surely they would not bother me. They have on a few occasions gathered 4 large young men with military fighting experience gathered around such people with the intent to kill them.

I stay away from them, stay near police, surely they would protect me. No, the police in such situations have in the past threaten to push you over and have you arrested, even though the palestinians were charging towards you to attack you and you were going away from them to avoid them.

Good times builds weak men

Good times builds weak men, weak men build bad times, bad times builds strong men, strong men build good times. We live in a world of weak men. Strong men these days are very few and far between. They stand for nothing, they will fall for anything. There is an old saying, give them bread and circus and they will never revolt. Meaning, as long as a population has food and entertainment, the government can literally do anything to them and they will submit, they will go along with whatever the government does or says. We can clearly see that over the past 4 years, we have weak leaders enforcing upon a weak society rules and regulations that are out to harm and kill the population, and most people went along with it. communist dictatorships were enforced on the western worlds, and most people went along with the crimes that were committed by those who were in positions of authority and not many stood up against the laws and rules which went against the local and national and international human rights laws, and still everyone went along with it, plotting family against family, employers against employees. Destroying families and communities. Forbidding family members from seeing one another, even to the more insane measures of preventing people from being able to breath or leave their homes. And most went along with it. And many other more tyrannical restrictions, and people went along with it. Bad times, bad times build strong men, but where are these strong men who will stand up against the tough times ? There are some, there is not many. Who will stand up for their family / community, and who will fight to protect – preserve – improve the lives of their family – community – nation. The most powerful thing you have is your voice. You are more powerful than you think. Your voice can be used for good or evil. Use your voice to stand up for your family, your community, and your nation. Revelations 3:15-16 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Donald Trump assassination attempt atPennsylvania

USA Pennsylvania former president Donald Trump shot on the side of his head by gunman hundreds of meters away. Someone behind Donald Trump was killed. Shooter was killed. Multiple shots were fired. Secret Service people jumped onto Donald Trump, moments later Donald Trump got up and did a fist pump into the air while surrounded by Secret Service people. There was blood on the side of Donald trump’s head and face. Donald Trump is Scheduled to speak Thursday at the RNC,

Child sex trafficking

According to this source, last year USA spent 6.3 billion dollars in child trafficking, and are forecast to spend 7.3 billion dollars in child trafficking. Why is nobody standing up against this ? Imagine if this was your child.

I Am So Scared – Lucky I Have God

I hear this time and time again, Christians are either scared of the world, or they 100% depend on doctors, or they are always cowardice bowing in surrender into hopelessness and despair and defeated and without hope.

Why is that ?

There is a massive attack against the Holy Scriptures and God, and to take God out of homes and take God out of schools, and to take God out of hotel / motel rooms, and to take God out of business, and to take him out of community and to become a godless society.

Remember our nations were founded on the Bible, and those who built our nations ( although pretty much erased from the history books ) were many devout God fearing Men and Women, and the sanctity of Marriage and Family, and Respect for People and Elders in our Society and Community.

No longer are we a God reverencing society – but more self worshiping secular society, especially with the woke mind virus that is sweeping through and contaminating and destroying the western nations.

Why do christians no longer pray for the power of God to make great moves in their lives – but rather pray for humans to do things in their lives.

Let me give you one example I have seen and hear so many times in one form or another.

Oh God please guide the doctor and give them clarity of mind and may ( Name ) get the right treatment from the doctor and may the doctor do their test to see what is wrong with ( Name ) them and to provide them the right treatment.

Why ? Where is the power of God in that ? What more is that other than the doctor just doing what they been trained for to do, and doing what they have learned at their medical training ?

Why pray to God for a doctor to do what they are paid to do ? Do you pray for the mechanic to find the fault with your car and to replace the faulty item with the correct part for your car ? Do you pray for the garbage man to come on the designated day to collect your rubbish you put out ? Do you pray for electricity to be on when you switch your light switch and pray that those at the power company are doing their job to provide you electricity, or your computer / phone to work correctly and for those who have clarity to design and create phones – etc ?

Where is the power and miracle of God in that ? where are you calling upon HIM for HIS help and deliverance ?

They pray that the doctors provide the right treatment for ( Name ) individual. Why not rather pray that God deliver and heal them from the issue they have, and know 100% for certain that God has infact already healed them already. You taking away and denying God the place of God as the great provider and healer in your life and telling God about a doctor. Take the glory of ( Name ) individuals healing away from doctor, and give it to God, God be the glory, praise and thank him, not oh thankfully doctor found what was wrong and provided them their lifetime subscription to some medication or medical procedure, NO, God you are the great healer, you do a healing on ( Name ) individual and may all praise and Glory be to God for the miracle healing.

Many times in the Holy Scripture, Both Yahushua ( Jesus ) and the followers of Messiah would heal the sick and lame and dead and so forth, from Paul being bitten by a snake and not dying, from Peter telling the paralytic to get up and walk, to handkerchiefs and aprons were being sent to people who were sick / diseased / possessed with demons, and they were cured and demons left them.

Remember Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus is the same yesterday today and for ever

Remember Mark 16: 17-18 says these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Remember in scripture it says John 17:20-21 where it says, Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Remember when Messiah said in John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

See how he is talking about those true and faithful believers in Messiah.

Those who believe because of their word, because of what they said in scripture, Christ is praying for you, and says that he will live within you with the Father, and that these are the things that will follow those who believe and follow him, and that you will do even greater things than what he has done.

You remember when Yahushua said, The Kingdom is at hand, and the Kingdom is within you. Let this sink in, why ? because who is the King ? Christ is the King right ? King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and is seated on high at the right hand of God in power, and all things are put under him, and even satan and demons are afraid of him and are in submission to Christ. Correct ? Yes ?

So if Christ and the Holy Heavenly Father is above all and powers and spirits and everything in heaven and earth, and this King is on earth and walking around saying, the Kingdom is at hand, that is because the King is right there infront of them saying them things.

Think of it this way, If the King of England – Charles, if he were to come to your home, the Kingdom of England is at your home. Likewise the TRUE King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is there at hand infront of you. He also said in the above verses that the King of Kings and his father will come live within YOU.

Therefore Greater is he that is living in you than that which is in the world.

If the King of Kings is living within you, who has all authority of all heaven and earth as stated in Matthew 28, then what are you afraid of ? Why are you sick and depending on doctors for your health and healing ? The greatest physician healer who raised the dead and healed lepers, and those who were paralysed, and those who were demon possessed and cast out thousand out of one person at his word, and those who had issues of bleeding for years, and the list goes on and on and on. Even able to heal someone who is kilometers / miles away ( John 4:50-53 ).

So if you have the great healer who knows how you are created and designed, he created DNA, he created the little creatures on the DNA which builds and repairs your DNA, he created all your various different types of Immune systems you have in your body, HE created everything, and knows you intricately, as scripture says he holds everything together in his hand, and by everything, there is nothing that is separate from everything, so everything you see and hear are held together by his hand ( Colossians 1:17 ).

So since everything is held together ad intricately known by him, and He is living within you, both the Heavenly Father and His Son who has all authority of everything, over health and life and authority over demonic spirits, and he has said he goes to his father and the things you will do will be even greater things than what he has done, and these are the signs that will follow those who believe in him, and that he has specifically prayed FOR YOU.

Then why are you scared of what mere man or someone demonically possessed could say or do ?

God does not surrender his authority to the devil or humanity, but we are all in submission to God.

At creation God created man and woman, Man has authority over the woman, and the woman is in submission to the man in the relationship. As stated in Ephesians 5, both are in submission to each other in marriage, however, no man was ever in submission to any other man, nor was man in submission to any other woman, other than the wife. Likewise the woman is not under submission to any other man, nor is she under submission to any other woman, other than her husband, or father if never married. Therefore nobody else has authority over you as a man or woman, other than your married husband / wife. Therefore we are under submission to nobody else, we have not surrendered ourselves to others, since God is our authority, and he is living within us, then why are we afraid ? afraid of what ? God is with us, as it says in Romans chapter 8, If God is for us, then who can be against us ? no power or authority nor anything created, nor anything past or present or future will be able to separate us from the love God has for us, and as mentioned earlier in John 17:20-23 The father who loves Christ his son so much who would send more than 12 legions of angels to protect him ( Matthew 26:53 ) where as those brave romans soldiers fell as dead men out of fear of 1 angel ( Matthew 28:1-4 ).

Since this same God who loves his own son this much that he would do this for him, and he loves you just as much, would be not also likewise do just as much for you – since he said he and the son are to come live within you.

The Kingdom of God is living within you. So what are you scared of if all the demons are scared of God who is living within you ? They are in submission to God – the King of Kings who is living within you. You only think they are not in submission to you. The world at large has created a society where they teach you that you are a nobody and insignificant, where as God thinks you are very important and wants to come live within you and has prayed for you and said these were the sighs that would follow those who believe in His name, Yet we are teaching ourselves that this is not true.

The great healer who raised the dead and cleansed the lepers and made the lame to walk, etc, this same great healer is living within you. Is this King of Kings who says he will come live within you – is he a liar and powerless ? Or have you indoctrinated and taught yourself that this is not true and not reliable for you ? This is for others but not for you ? Is that a different God ? Is God a liar ?

Oh but you do not know my situation – you may say. Is not God bigger and stronger than your situation ? Is there anything that man has created that God can not bring to nothing ? Remember when God parted the Red Sea, Remember when God raised a great army of people from a valley which was full of dry bones from people who had died many many years ago, and brought them all back to life ? Is this just a story for you or is this a real God which is REAL ? Is Christ a liar ? is our Heavenly Father a liar ?

Remember the aliments of Job in the Bible ? There is nothing that is too difficult for God, fed millions of people with Manna from heaven for 40 years after leaving Egypt, a little child had in his lunch box some fish and some bread for his lunch, and yet Messiah was able to multiply that to feed thousands of people and still have more than what they started with as left overs.

Remember when the Hebrew nation was on the beach of the Wasit / Nuweibaa region and the Egyptian army and Pharaoh came to them and what seemed like immediate disaster, God was able to bring down between Pharaoh and his army and the Hebrews a massive fire which held off Pharaoh and his army.

This same God is the same God today, and he is living within you and he is for you, and he is greater than anything in the world, greater than any man or woman, or any demonic spirit that is inspiring the evil people in the world. But since this same God who has power and authority over everything is on your side and is living within you, then why are you afraid ? Why are you scared of them ? They should ba afraid of you because of who you are, a child of God, and God is living within you, They should be afraid of you because God is within you.

Also this same God who is living within you with all these great signs and wonders which should follow you, which the world and its churchs are teaching you that you do not have this power, and that it is not within you, this same God who is within you who said these signs will follow those who believe in his name, they will raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons.

Proverbs 149:9 this honour is for all of Gods saints

So why are you sick ? God within you has the ability to heal your infirmities.

Remember what Peter said to the paralised man outside the temple ?

He said, Look at me ( I want your undivided attention ) – I do not have any silver or gold ( I have absolutely no money what so ever – none – zilch ) – But what I do have ( I actually do have something ) I give you what I have ( I am going to give you something – I can give this to you because I have this something ) ( you can not give what you do not have ) In the name of Yahushua the Messiah get up and walk ( and the paralised got up and walked and leaped with joy ).

He has Christ living within him, the Blood of Christ is covering him, you are his prized possession, you were purchased and covered with his blood. Ambassador for Christ if that helps with understanding, you are in this world purchased by his blood, a citizen of the Kingdom of God here on earth as his ambassador sharing and spreading the truth of the Gospel to bring others into the kingdom so others too can share in the joy of God and his love and grace and forgiveness, and to experience the power of an all mighty risen saviour. Get God out of your Bible and Get God into your life.

Instead of knowing about him, a story about someone you hear about and know in your head about, but like a intimate loving relationship you would have with your husband or wife, or your dad or mum, or your son or daughter, a deep intimate relationship in your life, likewise, bring God out of the Bible and not just a story but become alive in your life.

Eg, I could tell you about my Dad and Mum and my husband and my wife and my son and my daughter and my brother and my sister, tell you all about them. Where they live, and what they did and what they said etc. But until you actually meet them and spend time with them, and get to know them, and experience time with them in your life, then and only then will they no longer just be a story of someone you hear or read about, but you will be able to share your own personal experiences with them.

This same God who is living within you has not given you a spirit of fear, but of boldness ( 2 Timothy 1:7 – Proverbs 28:1 – 1 John 4:18 )

He is the great physician who heals you ( James 5:14-16 – Acts 3:16 – Luke 8:48 – Mark 10:52 – Matthew 9:22 – Exodus 15:26 – Proverbs 149 – 2 Chronicles 7:14 )

Nothing is impossible for God who lives within you, No reason to be in fear, as all are under the authority of God who lives within you.

Should not be in sickness as the great healer is within you.

He has prayed for you, He lives within you, he wants the very best for you, and these signs will follow his believers, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons.

Dont believe it, know it.

Dont believe it to be true, Know it to be true.

Do not limit the power of God within your prays and your request.

All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Stop limiting God with your prays, Bring your will inline with his will and pray for the will of God and find that he will open doorways to possibilities that you never dreamed possible. But first, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Then see fear disappear, and healings and infirmities disappearing.

God is doing miracles in peoples lives, I have heard stories of the miracles people have encountered with the power of God, and I too can testify to first hand experience miracles where the 100% impossible has become a reality through God.

Instead of the God being a God of the book, make the book about yet another story someone has written about that God we have personally experienced in real life. Get God out of your Bibles and into a real life relationship where he will be doing signs and wonders and miracles within your life where you can not say anything other than – this God is real and still preforming impossible miracles like as mentioned in the Bible, and more so in your own personal life.