
Isaiah 49

To be updated shortly

How is it possible for a mother to forget a child she gave birth to ? Isaiah 49:15-16 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget you. 1Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

Everyone knows the struggles of child birth, also the 9 months leading up to the labour pains of child birth where the woman’s belly appears to get bigger and the sleeping and getting up and sitting down on chairs. And the breaking of water and contractions.

So how could a woman completely forget about giving birth to her child ?

It was not that long ago when women all over the world longed for and dreamed of getting married and having children of her own.

A slow progression over the past 50 to 70 years many have by massive propaganda campaigners to destroy the family unit and the important value women once had to get married and have children, and men once had to find the right woman and have a family of his own.

The man would normally provide for his family and protect his family from any and all threats, and the mother would cater to and look after the children. Very similar to the family unit in the Lion kingdom where the Male lion would get the food for the entire family, for himself and his wife and cubs. He would always be with his family & keeping guard always on the lookout to protect his female lion and his cubs against any and all threats. While the female lion would be looking after her cubs, or her and her cubs would be feeding off what the Male Lion had brought them to eat.

This may sound very patriarch hierarchy and out of place in a 2023 ultra post modern world where C.R.T. woke culture dominates all main stream media TV network Programming and Radio and Media Publications. Things that were taboo only 25 years ago now control the airwaves and main stream mass media. Women are taught to be like men, and men are groomed to be submissive like little children, and anyone can identify themselves to be anything they want to identify as. So much so we have people who believe themselves to literally be dogs, others fully believe they are a cat. Males are taught they are females and females are taught they are males, political leaders are not able to answer what a woman is and believe biological males can get pregnant and give birth to babies. And the list goes on and on.

Around 75,000 pregnant biological women each year go to clinics to kill their child which has not been born yet, or partially born, while in the USA prior to overturning of the “RvW” around 750,000 pregnant biological women were going to clinics to kill their child who had not been born yet.

While the media calls this empowering women, with no regard for the body of the child, as the old saying goes “my body my choice”. The child inside of the woman never got a choice in the matter, I have heard from some whose mother wanted to kill her child but left it a bit too late and ended up having the child that they were so glad and grateful their mum did not kill them, although some mums did struggle with raising their child, the mother and child are so grateful for their relations they have with one another. Infact their child is able to help out their mother later in life, including seeing their own children have children of their own. While a great number of women who have gone through with killing their child which had not been born yet feel great mourning and loss throughout their lives as though apart of them has died and missing something in their lives afterwards. While there are other women who never have children – nor had the blessed opportunity to have children due to various difference circumstances.

So how does this answer the question – can a woman forget the suckling child – the son from her own womb ?

This can simply be answered by looking at this post modern world, and knowing that we are not the only ones who had a highly advanced technological world, infact there are things thousands of years ago technology of how to do things, that even with all our modern technological advances, we are still unable to do or find out how they did thing in the past.

So picture a young girl who once had a hard life during her upbringing. Imagine that she had a rough time with her father, and her siblings were either favoured more than her, or they were more successful in life than her. Imagine she longed for recognition and validation. Imagine that no matter what she did that it always was not good enough for her or her family, did not do something as good as someone else was able to, and especially in todays short attention span world where its a second glimpse of something before it is swiped to the left or right. Imagine this woman who despite all struggles and problems was able to get a good education for herself, and then a successful job. But that was not enough. No matter her own success, there was something still lacking. She would see others with beautiful homes and nice cars, seeing her brothers and sisters getting married and having children and making a success in life. However no matter what she did that it was never enough, nothing was ever good enough for her. No matter how good her job position was, or how much responsibilities she had, nothing was ever good enough for her, nothing ever satisfied her. Despite her family and friends showing her all their love for her, she never accepted or acknowledged their love and care they had for her, always pushing people away and holding everyone at arms length. Dismissing anything anyone else would say or do because it was not her. Imagine where a womans own self worth was in exerting her own ways and opinions upon others. She would fill her life with materialistic things to bring her joy and happiness, but that soon gave way to boredom and meaninglessness.

Imagine now this woman met someone who loved her so very much and she liked him as he was a new interest in her life like everything else and the attention was on her. Imagine that this fade also past by and became meaningless like everything else that was like a swipe to the left or right.

Everything in her life became like an app where she just gets bored so quickly and was just a swipe left and swipe right. A bounding flying butterfly that could never be contained or satisfied with anything, and always had to move onto the next happening thing. Moving to the next thing to satisfy her life.

Imagine now this woman became pregnant and after a few months she noticed her body change and her stomach getting larger, and as months go by that it became more unusual than normal now that she had another life in her body to take care of. Now after months her happy bounding bubbly lifestyle she had become accustom to becomes to grind to a halt now that she is in the last few months of pregnancy. Although she has a family that loves her very much, she herself longed to party like before and to be over her pregnancy.

If this woman was on some kind of mind altering drugs ( legal or illegal ) the severity of the situation maybe clouded and not realise the gravity of the situation. Then once she has had the child and weaned the child, the mother may abandon her motherly instincts which pretty much most mothers in the animal kingdom have by nature. If the woman leaves and years go by and she is heavily self focused and self absorbed in her own world she may infact completely forget all about her baby she once had all them many years ago. Remember in the Book of Daniel in the Bible, King Nebuchadnezzar who was the then king of Babylon forgot for 7 years that he was a man and king of Babylon. It took him 7 years to come to his senses and realisation that God is the God of all.

Similarly in a like manner a woman could forget that she had a child many years ago.

The also painful truth of knowing that you have a mother or father that does not love you or care for you, nor even acknowledge your right to live a life free. If she does not even acknowledge your existence, this would be very hard and painful to deal with. It is a form of rejection by the mother to the child, and the child will grow up with this painful rejection from their mother feeling a sense of less worth and as though they do not matter in life. However God on the other hand stands out amongst the crowd, HE alone loves loves you and longs to be with you always, and infact just like how people write something on their hand so that they do not forget, God ENGRAVES you on his hand so that he will never forget you, even 10,000 years time he will never forget you.

Remember God says like a loving loyal father and husband, that he will never leave you nor forsake you, you may leave or forsake God or your child, or your parent / parents may forsake you, but God will never leave or forsake you. His thoughts of you are always before him.

Isaiah 49:16-16 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.   Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

Although your mother may reject and / or abandon you, remember God is always longing to love you and embrace you and share his love with you. He only wants the very best for you. Only the best.

Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that kill the prophets, and stone them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you were not willing !

Just imagine that this verse mentioned above is talking about you. Think about and imagine that there is someone out there who is so in love with you and longed to hold you in their arms and to embrace you but you were not willing to even be seen with them. Someone who wanted to provide and protect you yet all you could do was lie about them and attack them for no reason, they were willing and wanting to provide you with a joyful life and a home for you to live in yet with them you only fought with them and push them away as you would an enemy at war.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Think about those above two verses and Imagine the lover of you and your life longing for you and wanting to bless your life yet every time you encountered them you would ignore them or swear and curse at them and pysh them away. Imagine that every time they tried to give you something from their heart to bless and provide for the things you wanted – liked and needed that you rebelled and threw it back at them and rejected their gifrs, or yoy took their things of great value and treated it as a worthless meaningless little thing or as a nothing.

John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Think of the above verse and think someones heart and desire is to provide for you with abundant joy and fulfilment and a life of abundance and that every time they came to help and bless you and your life that all they received back was hissing and complete and utter contempt.

There is a way that seems right to a man / woman,
But its end is the way of death,
Proverbs 14:12 – Proverbs 16:25

Imagine going about your life thinking and believing you are doing right and thinking yoy could possibly doing right with God, you may even go to church and read the bible and prey, but yiyr life and lifestyle is so dangerously wrong in the eyes of God. Some may try to justify themselves by saying things like, God is love and merciful and he knows me and he loves me and he is my saviour etc.

But check yourself with God to ensure you are right with God with fear – reverence and trembling. Remember Messiah said the below.

Not all who

None seek righteousness no not one

Depart from me who practice lawlessness

5 were wise and 5 were foolish

God is long suffering not wanting to loose anyone

To Be Continued. . . .

Acts Of The Apostles 3:21

Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

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