Look Beyond Your Limitations.
With God All Things Are Possible
Reach Out Beyond Your Situation
Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens And Empowers

Challenge yourself.
Exodus 23:4-5 “If you meet a bull or donkey that belongs to a man who hates you, be sure to return the animal to him. If you see the donkey of one who hates you falling under its load, do not leave the problem to him. Help him to free the animal.
There IS Power in the name of Yahushua. There IS Power in calling out the Our Father in Heaven. There Is Power in Pray. There IS Power in calling out to the one who loves you. There IS Power in the ONE and ONLY Elohim.
There is no way on earth or heaven that the name of jesus christ was written there, 100% impossible, for up until a few hundred years ago jesus christ never existed.
There was never a joseph christ and no mary christ.
That name came from, eg, when they moved the statue of jupiter into the vatican and called it by the same name, and when translating the Holy Scriptures, they replaced our Redeemer with the name of their pagan deity they worshiped, hence why now everyone worships the name which originated from Ieus / zeus which was translated into english as jesus. In their belief syste of zeus / jesus as he was the head of all the pagan dietys and of the sky. So when they translated our redeemer Holy Scriptures to english, which was greek and latin before that, they replaced our redeemer with the name of the head deity of their beliefs and put it into the scriptures. So the pagans would see their deity as something special in the Holy Scriptures, and those reading in a different language would have the events which were done by our redeemer attributed to the deity of the pagan. Keeping the same story alive, but attributing the events to a different person / entity. Hence why now people attribute the salvation story and the story of creation to baal and zeus as they were the names they substituted the names of our saviour and heavenly father. The word for baal centuries ago was lord. So now we have the corrupted scriptures telling the true story events but plagiarising it and attributing the events to someone else.
You all know this is the truth, though people have 3 options, 1) to ignore it although they know it is true. 2) know it is the truth but have a passionate hatred of the truth like many do and fight against the truth. 3) research it yourself and find out that this is the truth.
Zeus is a pagan deity – not of our heavenly father, therefore ungodly and demonic. Satan wants the position of our heavenly father and of our redeemer, we all know this from the Holy Scriptures, satan even said if our Saviour worship him that he would give him every kingdom of earth. and Scripture also says that satan masquerades as an angel of light. he pretends and trys to convince people he is the light when infact he is a deceiver and father of lies, Holy Scripture says that as you all know. And here we have satan pretending to and accrediting to himself the merits of our redeemer by putting his name in the place of our redeemer and have everyone call his name instead of our redeemers name. Remember the Holy Scriptures says HIS NAME will be written on our foreheads, that was always the terms used as our convictions and beliefs, even says that in Ezekiel. So if we are calling out to a name that is something that is not our redeemer or heavenly father, but calling on the name of another, yet expecting the one we are referencing to should answer us even though we are calling on the name of his enemy, because our translation has the name of the enemy and not the name of our redeemer or heavenly father, because we are comfortable with using the enemy name and been using it for so long as we expect our redeemer and heavenly father should know we are referring to him even though we are calling on the name of his enemy.
Try validating that argument with your husband or wife when you always call them by the name of your ex partner you had before them, and you never called them by their name because you were used to using the name of your ex for so may years before you knew them, and you said it just easier for you to use the name of your ex. How would that work ?
Imagine if your husband or wife were to always call you by the name of their ex partner they had before you, and they never called you by your name because they were used to using the name of their ex for so many years before knowing you and they use the excuse that it is easier for them to use the name of their ex.
Now imagine a jealous deity, as the Holy Scriptures says he is a Jealous deity, Imagine a jealous deity hearing you calling out the name of his enemy every time you or someone else was referring to him.