Do narcissists call you to see how you’re doing?

Do narcissists call you to see how you’re doing?

Yes, they do, however it may not be for the reasons why you think they’re calling. Narcissists are not concerned about how you’re doing, they’re concerned about what they want, need, or can get from others. Everything that they do is driven by their own self-interest. They may care about how others can benefit them, but they typically don’t care much about how others are doing. Why would they, when they didn’t care when you were involved with them? To be frank, the (how you’re doing call) is related to hoovering you. Hoovering is a common tactic that narcissists will use when either of you have ended things, and they try to suck or pull you back into their toxic web which is part of the abuse cycle. They also call to see if you have moved on and are possibly dating again.

Once or if you take the call just listen very closely to how they will dominate the conversation, or the conversation is associated with what they want or need at the moment. They’re so conniving that victims often believe that the phone call or text message inquiring about (how they’re doing) is out of concern or sincerity. It’s not! Remember, narcissists see others as objects, not as human beings, so everyone in their past, present, or future is seen as something to use. It’s no secret that a core narcissistic trait is the lack of empathy, care, or concern for others. They may act as if they care or are concerned, but they’re only concerned about themselves. They are only interested in how they can use, mislead, manipulate, and abuse others to meet their needs. They even get narcissistic supply when you answer and entertain their phone call or text message. It gives them validation and attention that they constantly seek.

Narcissists act in a caring manner or try to appear as if they care about how you’re doing, but it is not from a sincere place. The acting is the same act that made you the perfect target when you first met them, and you later saw them for who they really are. They are not motivated by empathy because they severely lack it, and as a result, their phone call, or text message of asking you how you’re doing is often connected to one of their many arsenals of manipulation. They do not care about you, they do not care about how you’re doing, all they care about is instant gratification, pleasure, validation, attention, power, control, and adoration. So, the (how you’re doing call) is less about you, and more about what they’re trying to manipulate from you!

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