Finally after many years in asylum and jail, Julian Assange is now a FREE MAN
What a great day, Julian Assange has been released from jail and is now a free man.
plea deal with usa for a felony charge and time already served, now he is a free man, he has the charge of felony against his name, and with the time he has already done in jail, he is now a free man, the ink is still drying on the paper as the old saying goes, but as of now, Julian Assange is a free man.
There is a few case things he needs to deal with, go to Mariana Island for a case which primary indicators is that it is an island controlled by usa, but its not the main land of usa such as hawaii or main land usa so it means that he can go to Australia after doing the official stuff to get that out of the way, then its home to Australia where many have been beating the drum for many years, in Australia and around the world for his release.
So it is now official, Julian Assange is out of jail and a free man. and no extradition orders on him any more to go to the usa to face trial, he is a free man.
I am sure that there would be many many people celebrating and glad to see him go back to his home country of Australia to be reunited with his wife and children and his father and brother and all of his other family and friends and millions of loyal supporters of Julian Assange who never gave up the fight for calling for his freedom for all these years.
Congratulations Julian Assange – You AUSSIE LEGEND ! ! !