People Need God

The Sound Of Freedom
Fly like the Bird Of Paradise
Expect The Unexpected
Changing the lives of 1,000’s
One at a time.
In Madand. Bikpela hevi kamup insait skol Holy Spirit Primary Madang. Rot block na policeman dai pinish. People come from other province cause trouble. Problems start with students cheat on test, big brawl on road and road blocked, so big entire road block nobody can get through. School activities cancelled and rescheduled for later. One individual lost their life in brawl.
Liklik ples nogut, em I kamup gutpla samting
A lot of hard work and dedication turns a patch of otherwise overlooked land into a garden which would be enough to produce food for their family, and enough to sell at the markets to earn some much needed money for the family.
An over looked patch of land which was over run with grass and weeds was cultivated into a little money maker for a local family.
Growing food on a once abandon patch of land turned into a larger garden which would produce enough food for their family, and much more left over which they could sell at the market to bring in much needed Kina for the family, also enough money to be able to send their children to school.
Changing one life at a time
- Tupela yia moa lon kamap 50 yia aanniversary independence, mekim bikpela amamas.