The Seventh Year Restoration
Massive flooding in both Adelaide and Brisbane. Who knew that the two cities were so interconnected.
New to Word On Wheels Podcast, we will be narrating different stories from different subjects.
Some will be about current news and events, while others will be about love and relationship’s and events in the Bible. From King David, Ezra, Nebuchadnezzar, Esther & Mordecai’s and many others.
Click on a podcast to link below to watch / listen
- Seven Last Plagues – Part Four
Word On Wheels Videos
One of the worlds most hardest things to do is to have someone to seriously look at what they themselves have done – and what they themselves have said. – And to be honest about it.
Another thing which is one of the hardest things to do is for others to truly empathize with another person from their view point.
One of the most hated and totally and completely rejected is truth and factual events.
LRAD Military weapons used against peaceful protesters at Canberra with what we hear many protesters now suffering radiation poisoning – burns and sensation their bodys were being cooked on the inside. Many suffering bad headache and brain fog and at times great difficulty in thinking since the the LRAD weapons deployed at the two locations, one on lwwns infront of parliament house, another at their camp grounds where they are staying.
Get Off The Ship & Get On The Land – It Is The Way Forward And Out Of This Mess
You Can Vote Now – So Make It Count
Do YOU have the bravery and courage to be BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS to stand up for YOUR Beliefs And Convictions like ARTHUR PAWLOWSKI who despite all the adversary and persecution and trials ( to date – arrested FIVE times and JAILED for long time ) purely for standing up for what you believe and convicted to say and do – helping and feeding the poor and needy, preaching about God and calling out injustice when you see it without any fear – despite law officers telling you not to otherwise you WILL be arrested and sent to jail indefinitely. Acts 4:12 We can not but speek the things which we have seen and heard.
Two Police officers wrestled young child to ground and punch / smack him hard on back of his head – watch the video link below to see extent our government will go to to enforce its child mandates
too many cowards and gutless wonders these days, where women become men and men become women.
No longer are men allowed or capable to stand up to be a real man and be the provider protector of his family. Societys dictates women to become full of testosterone while the testosterone of men is feminized and looked down upon – even criminalized.
When can societys – when they see wrong – call it out without being cancelled or vilified or classified as masculin macho as though thats a bad thing. They can not, they call what is good as though its a bad thing, and what is truly bad – they call a good thing – and society wholeheartedly embraces this.
60 years ago a man was perfectly within his rights to protect his family – call out abuse and wrongs within his family and community and it was something respectable and admirable. But now its shunned and looked down upon, and even demonised.
Eg, if a young man was being disrespectful to anyone or up to no good activities or being roudy, a man within that community who saw or heard them other young men being disruptive could and more times than not would go over to the roudy young men and using polite words would give them young men a talking to. The young men would honour and respect what the older man would say and do what the older man said.
This man need not have been anyone they knew or of any appointed authority figure. Yet people in society would trust and respect and obey the older man.
However in todays world, and in recent years, people have gotten so proud, so boastful, so arrogant, they will no longer allow or listen to truth or correction. They have such an eago that their arrogant pride and self righteousness and a severe superiority complex that they are unable to accept or listen to anyone elses point of view.
Even if they themselves are wrong – and even if the other persons words are better, or have a better way of doing things, they are not capable of backing down to even look at themselves as being wrong, rather they hold their ground and fight off the other with lies and slander, even despite their own well being.
Likewise within family when the father / man of the house would say something – his word was authoritative and that was the final word in the matter. The wife would back her husband in what he said, and the children would obey their parents, whether they agreed with the decision or not. The Alpha male so to speak – to protect his herd from all enemies who would want to harm the family, while the wife was the tender nurturer of the family. Whenever anyone were to come to their family home, or wherever they went, his word was respected and honoured as the authoritative of the head of the house – family unit. The man was the guardian protector of the family. He had the testosterone strength to provide and protect his family.
Not to dominate, but to protect and provide and to encourage and support the family.
Now these days nobody is allowed to be authoritative. Previously the man could stand up to make sure his family as protected and to ensure his children were raised up with a good education and with high guarded morals and respect for family and community and social authority.
Bad morals corrupt the family unit.
Destroy the family – destroy the community, Destroy the community – destroy the nation.
Strengthen the family – strengthen the community, Strengthen the community = strengthen the nation.
These days nobody is allowed to be the man of the house, the man has been reduced to a subservant to the woman thereby removing the spine / balls / guts of a man to become the spineless jellyfish that they are, they are no longer concerned with what is right or wrong, so as long as they get to play their computer games and watch Netflix and other such entertainment. They no longer have the mental capacity or fortitude to stand up for what is right or wrong, or to protect their family, there spineless jellyfish who have no idea what to do when real problem comes along.
The woman now these days is only answerable to herself, or are in a group of like minded other woman as their peers who also share the same like minded approach towards men and society in general.
The man has been reduced to what level he has achieved on his Donkey Kong – Super Mario Brothers – Duke Nukim – Grand Theft Auto – Minecraft – Fortnight computer games, and his faceboook, twitter and instragram feeds and responses and likes. It quite literally does not matter that through eugenics that the world powerful elite have told the world and planned for years to have them poisoned and killed off to get their property and to digitalise their property title deeds to sell to the corporations of the world for profit.
It really does not phase these people anything, so as long as they can until the moment they are dead get to play their games and watch their shows, they will never put up any resistance to people who are killing their family and friends, it does not bother them, because that distracts them from their entertainment the elite have designed to mesmerise them and dumbafi them down and look elsewhere and pay no attention to their crumbling society, as the noose gets slowly tighter around their artificial lives.
What would they be known for in the end ? What courageous achievements or accomplishments would they be known for ? nothing, just spend their lives infront of a screen achieving nothing.
The bible says we were created by Elohim for him to be rich in good works.
To the modern man, if they loose their internet connections, or unable to access facebook or unable to use their order a mean in app, or their phone was flat, they typically these days have no idea what to do with their life. If a man were to stand up and make a real decision with actual real world action, the modern typical male would be paralysed with fear, or be in total grip of passiveness and complete apathy and would shun the alpha male, even if the alpha male were literally trying to save their very own life, the modern man would shut their eyes and heart and mind to what is happening around them.
Society has conditioned modern man to be as though he is a teenage fluffy duck with no real ability to think for himself or to make any decision except for what he wants to watch on tv or what Netflix show to watch or what computer game to play.
Yellow belly spineless gutless whimp of a jellyfish. If a real man were to show up – they would be so ostracised by society nobody and would not know what to do.
100 years ago men were brave, 100 years ago men were courageous, 100 years ago men were strong, 100 years ago men were gentlemen, 100 years ago men were providers and protectors of their family.
Look at modern france protestors, these are the common man, they were charged upon by military style looking police with weapons and shields. ( NOT CONDONING VIOLENCE IN ANY WAY ), These common men all came to confront the police with bravery and strength and without fear. When they saw one of their men in trouble by the police, they all came without a 2nd thought to bring down and fight with all their might and strength against any and all police regardless of how many they were or what weapons or shields they had.
No fear and not backing off or pausing for a moment, they went all in one and all to fight against any and all police officers who were in full combat gear.
The point is their bravery.
Where are the men of today who can stand up to be courageous and brave to speak out and stand up and call out when what is wrong and call out injustice and to defend with all their might and ability and knowledge.
These days mens balls are in the purses of the woman, and the women no longer carry purses but guns against spineless gutless men.
No longer is there anyone standing up for what is right, no longer is there anyone standing up to defend the man of the house and to beautify the family home with nurturing love and support
Where now in these days can a woman truly feel that this man is going to love me and support and defend me and true and faithful to me ? Where now in these days can a man truly feel and know that this woman is going to truly love me and support me and back me up and be true and faithful to me ? These days it is truly a hard thing to find.
Where are the women these days who would fully submit themselves to their own husband’s totally and completely. To be there by her husband’s side in all things, to support and assist and defend and help him in all his endeavours.
If a woman is not prepared to do this for a man then she must not and should not marry that man.
Where are the men who would love
love and cherish his wife more than hisnown self interest ? Where is the man who would protect and provide for his wife – even to the point of laying down jis own life to protect his wife ?
If a man is not prepared to do this for his wife, then he should not marry that woman.
Todays world we are at war, evegy single man – woman and child on earth no matter where they are are at war whether they acknowledge it or not, whether they believe it or not.
For centuries and especially within the past 100 years, and especially more so the past few decades they have been working towards dividing one another ac enemies. Nation against nation, religion against religion, nationality against nationality, culture against culture, skin tones against skin tones, and in the psst 12 months encouraging family members to fight and alienate each other from one another. To make government and main streme media as your trusted family – and for biological family members to shun and turn on your mum and dad – your brothers and sisters – your sons and daughters – your uncles and aunties – your cousins – your grand parents and grand children – and friends.
Those who you have trusted all your life, those who have loved you and supported you when you needed it.
Those who would always be there for you in your time of greatest need – the government is telling and demanding of you to shun them and dob them in to have them arrested and permanently detained without charge and without right to any phone call or any visitors and also without any legal representation. To disappear permanently as some unfortunately have already. And we all seen the gas chambers that have been built in different states around the country. If people disappear one day without a trace – you may know why.
All the more reason family and loved ones should stand up for one another and defend one another. To be the love and support that each and every single one of you would need.
The Bible says that if someone does not look after their own family – then they are WORSE than an unbeliever.
Are you the type of person who would tur your own back and rebel against your mum or dad, or against your husband or wife, or son or daughter ?
Are YOU worse than an unbeliever ?
Friendship of the world is an enemy of God. Are you a friend of the world or you obey the words of God?
Are you an enemy of God ?
Are You Birth Or Created, Person Or Created Soverign Being.
Are you a person who was birth or a created soverign being.
This is what you need to know for your legal status.
Let My People Go.
What Does The Enemy Of God Fear The Most ? It Will Surprise You But It Wilk Not Surprise You.
Have you ever been with a group of people where there has been two or three or four true worshipers of God who worship God truly in Spirit and in Truth and with all their Heart Mind Body Spirit Strength Exalting and Worshiping their Holy Father who is in Heaven and Yahushua / Jesus God’s only Son who died and rose again 72 hours later for them. Now I’m not talking about some church person who claims to follow and worship God or goes to a place of worship friday / Saturday or Sunday. But those who have no other source of devine inspiration other than the Bible and would give their life for God and His Son. When these people come together to pray and worship, ungodly people have to leave. They are unable to stay in the presence of true worship.
As I’m sure as you have seen testimonies from a few former occult members and satan worshipers who have fully given their lives to Jesus Christ / Yahushua Messiah when asked what do the occult and satan worshipers fear the most and how to overcome and defeate someone from the occult, its always the same answer.
I have also asked someone who in their former life openly conjured devils, who used occult practices to spy and view into peoples homes many thousands of Km away without the use of technologies and could see what the occupants were doing, could clear as day see everything within that persons home with perfect clarity as if they literally there, and could tell what people were thinking and feeling through the occult practices. This person fully denounced satan and all the occult and gave their lives to Christ and destroyed and got rid of all their occult objects and clothing and fully surrended to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, freed from all occult powers, confessed all their sins to God and devoted their life to Christ Jesus in a BIG way who with the love of God leading their family to the arms of loving Jesus Christ of Nazareth and covered by His Blood and grace. From their former life in the occult stated the greatest weapon christians have against the occult is the Blood of Christ.
You and christians and churchs may think of it as nothing and just a only too common occurrence and a throw away line which only too familiar with and truly not take it to heart.
But this is your greatest weapon to TRULY be covered by the Blood Of Jesus – to TRULY have the blood Covering of Yahushua.
This is what all former occult and all former satan worshipers fear the most, it scares them terribly, it depowers them. They are powerless against the Blood Of Jesus, they are powerless against the Blood Of Yahushua Messiah.
But one thing which is a problem is.
Familiarity Breeds Contempt.
Think of it this way. If you were in a war and you are in your enemy territory in flat open fields and there was about 6 enemy people who hate you and want to harm you.
Infront of you was 1,000 soldiers who had fully arm machine guns and tazers and bottles of pepper spray who could see in daylight and no light and they were backed up with another 500 fully equipped helicopters with all the latest weapons and technology and they all went out before you to clear the way for you of those 6 enemies. And there was another 1,000 soldiers who went behind you to protect you from behind, and another 1,000 helicopters behind you to protect you from behind against these 6 enemy people.
How worried would you now be of those 6 enemy people who only had tree branchs and stones to throw at you ?
This is the same when you come to the enemy of God while fully covered by the Blood Of Yahushua – Jesus.
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. ( Romans 8:37 )
If you have read down to this level – then please watch this video testimony of a former high ranking satanist who now christian. His testimony should be a wake up call to any christian or follower of the true God – Whatever denomination or title someone may call themselves.
True Love Cast Out All Fear
1 John 4:18
What is the “Dark Winter” ?
What is the “Bail In” Laws ?
45 minute video but well worth the watch. Patience needed for long gingle cheesy introduction.
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Can You Show Love To Those You Hate
Congratulations Brisbane
May those who hate me with all their heart be filled with the God of love and grace.
For the love of God and your children – GET THEM OUT Of Australian Schools,
Starting 2022 is the year and they coming for your kids. Non parental concent or knowledge and your kids will be jabbed repeatedly.
Queensland, New South Wakes, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia. Starting January 2022! They coming to jab jab your children with full dose gene editing experimental jabs, 45% of adults have had serious adverse side effects, from bleeding when NO# 1’s and NO#2’s, ive known personally people had this with jabby jabby, others with headache and difficulty breathing after jabby jabby, chest and body pains after jabby jabby, i personally know people who have had this after jabby jabby, anoungst other seriously side effects, I would like your children to live many more years, I know one family who has removed their children from the school system because of this. Please save your children. For the love of God and your childreen, do not sacrifice your children.
A friend of mine knows two people who both have died within one hour after getting the jabby jabby.
Unconfirmed, we have only heard from one source, so it is unconfirmed. But if it is true, Then Congratulations to you Queenslanders. According to this one source the Queensland health minister has stated the virus is no longer a serious virus but only a weak mild form of the flu which someone own immune system can deal with with eating healthy and with only a panadol.
Congratulations Queenslanders IF this is true.
Urgent Warning – Protect Your Children
They Are Coming After Your Children With The Ultimate Aim To Make Them Ward Of The State.
It is now lawful and rolling out on 10/01/2022 to jab all school children without parents concent or knowledge. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN AGAINST WHAT MANY DOCTORS AND NURSES AND HEALTH PRACTITIONERS ARE CALLING – THE LETHAL INJECTIONS.
Fresh reports coming in, two 12 year old children die of Myocarditas & Pericarditis shortly after getting the Jab.
So you love and care for your children ? Home school them. Schools in 2022 are becoming injection hubs for children.
Yet another elete athletic dies on the sports field after getting the booster jab.
All reports we getting from government sources, doctors, big pharma, pfizer, bill & belinds foundation, health professionals all pointing that this is, well if I say here I could get cancelled.
Protect your children – and yourself, every report is showing natural immunity is much better. Scary thing is getting two jab permanent immunity damaged and unrepairable. Like Israel the 3rd & 4th is when people start passing away in big numbers.
Australia media starting to promote people getting the fourth jab shortly after getting the third jab.
God made you beautiful, God made you perfect on the day you were created, God made you with the best immune system, and fruit and vegetables and meat to strengthen your body and to strengthen your immune system. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, something man can not match.
New law passed in USA making everyone who got the jabby jab have become copyright owned by big pharma. How so? To simplify it, big pharma owns the copyright to the gene altering DNA material which is injected into the recipients body which then bonds to the recipients own DNA which is self replicating within the recipients own body the copyrighted DNA information which is bonded with the recipients is owned by big pharma, thegeby making the recipient the property of big pharma.
Heard on the grape vine that they saying next pandemic is going to be in the meat industry. Meat industry is Beef Chicken Lamb Pork etc. BG and AF predicted respiratory viral pandemic outbreak coming soon, then within less than 3 years we get big c, they have predicted recently another coming pandemic which is goi g to be worse than this big c. They cay they already planning for it. How many “In Your Arm” things do you think they will be requiring you to receive to be valid and legitimate and how many varients ( mutations ) and in your arms you will require for each varient ( mutation ).
Schools are allowed to perform procedures on your children without the need for parental knowledge or concent.
Many parents ( not all ) have made the decision for the past two years to have their children removed from formal education. The schools have repeatedly made demands on parents to send their children to school and demanding that they obey them and wanting to force their young children to receive two to three jabs of a substance that has caused severe adverse reactions. ( personally know a few who now bleed significantly when they go to toilet, others who suffer headache migranes and dizziness and breathing difficulty after taking specific injections) .
Under current laws once your child steps onto school or other types of education premises that is a legal binding contract which surrenders sovereignty of your child to the state – they no longer your child nor are you legal custody of your children, they can by the law come and forcefully remove them from your custody and you will be deemed unfit parent, and as insane as it may sound – you the parent could be going to jail as deemed unfit to have their child under your supervision.
This insanity is legal and law in australia.
Protect Your Children ! ! !
Horrible unfortunately true 73,000 to 81,000 children and infants were euthanized in Australia alone over the past 12 months.
Protect & save your children, their literal lives are at risk.
The next three to five years are vital.
Do what you need to do to protect yourself and your children.
Contact us via our other channel for more information.
We unfortunately unable to make known on this platform for security reasons.
Jesus / Yahushua gives stern warning about those who would think to harm / do wrong to a child.
A man in Queensland heard a guy he had spent many hours with was tested positive for the Big C. This positive for big c had been around many people – all who have had the two in the arm, including the person who was infected.
All the close contacts all came down with the big c – except him – he was an older gentleman and had not received any big v, not one – make of it as you will.
Matthew 18:1-10
18 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Protecting or turning a blind eye to any such people doing any harm / wrong to any child shall likewise receive the same
The Fathers Lovr – The Husband You Neveg Knew You Had – Coming Soon To Word On Whrels
So, just in from France. See link below. Rich elderly man with lots of life insurance (millions) for his family’s benefit dies from covid jab (not disputed by the doctors, nor his life insurers). Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family take the insurance company to court, but lose. The judge states, “the experimental vaccine side effects are publicised and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab. There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore, his death is essentially suicide”. Suicide is also excluded from his policy. If anyone ever challenges you on whether these jabs are experimental or not, and that neither the pharma companies, nor govts, nor anyone else but YOU are responsible for accepting them and if you die, legally you have committed suicide. No insurance, no payouts, no refunds. You are on your own!
Remember PCR and Rapid Antigen Test, they test for Pathogens and Antigens, they do not test for Ve Ie Re Ue Se, none what so ever, only Pathogens and Antigens.
If you do not know what a Pathogen or an Antigen is, then you could always look it up in any internet search.
To test positive for a pathogen or antigen test, someone who is suffering or just got over a hey feaver would test positive. That does not mean you had the BIG C 19. But rather that you just gotten over a cold or flu or hey feaver or of any one of a billion other different types of pathogens or antigens. Yet testing postitve because of any one of a billion things your body immune system had protected you from, modern day in this day and age will clain you a big c case. Even if you went in for a tooth ache or a splinter in your finger, more chance than likely YOU WILL BE counted as a positive big c case. Its already happening.
Its getting / gotten to the point that more cases of people being tested positive than people being tested.
The scary thing is I remember many years ago when these things were shown on tv and we saw the actual video footage of such things.
Vatican pays Billions $$$$ to “Australia Government “