From The Heart

This is a love story. A very different love story. This love story can be related to as male or female.

We will tell this story as a man is in love with a woman, however if you are a female that may want to relate, you may want to substitute man for woman and visa versa, or just take the story as it is and relate to it that way.

Just imagine you are a man who sees a beautiful woman, a vision of beauty. Every time you see her your heart flutters. The smile of her face brightens your day. When you see her all your troubles vanish away and you feel your life has been blessed with a million blessing. The gentle touch of her hand is like the most precious flower. The looking into her eyes is like the radiant beauty of a glorious spring day, and the gentle stroke and touch of her cheek radiates your soul on high.

Seeing and being with this woman fulfills your life and heart with love and devotion and fulfilment.

Your love for her is so much that her joy and happiness brings you joy peace and happiness unlike anything else in the world.

You love her so much that you would do anything to be with her and and make her happy and to bring to her and give her the delights of her heart.

Imagine that you love her so much that there is nothing you would not do, and there is nothing that you would not give, and there is nowhere that you would not go, in order to protect her and to provide for her all the things that she needs. Imagine that you loved her so much that you would go without the things you like or want just in order to make her happy, and for her to have the things she wants.

Imagine the love for this woman is so much that you would be willing to even if needed that you would even lay down your own life to protect and provide for this beautiful woman who you are so deeply in love with. With such great love.

There is such a love. There is a love for a woman that much. There is a man who loves a woman this much and she does not even know she is loved so much.

There is a man who is truly madly deeply in love with a woman who does not even know she is loved that much. She is loved so much and has always been loved very much for years and she does not even realise that she is loved so much. She does not know a man is so in love with her, she ignores him as though he does not exist.

No matter how much time passes, no matter where she goes, no matter what she says, no matter what she does, she is still loved so much. Loved more than life itself.

That woman is you. You are the woman who is loved so very much, and have been loved for many years.

This man who loves you as described above loves you so much for so long and always has.

There is nothing they would not do, no place they would not go, nothing they would not give to receive your love.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, he gave you his son, his one and only first born in order to have your love, and as scripture says if that were not enough he would have even given more. For he spared not his only beloved son for you, for in him he would love to give you all things, even heaven itself.